Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's Here.

Who has time for blogging? Seriously, who has time for blogging!?

I don't have time to brush my own teeth, study for my classes, read my bible, or, in some cases, eat my breakfast. I've been running from blogs since I first heard the word (and grossly mis-interpreted its meaning.)

A few semesters ago, I was 'forced' to get a blog - for the furtherance of academia of course. I sort of enjoyed it, and I didn't have to actually tell anyone about my blog, or admit I even had one.

So why am I writing this now? Seriously, what am I doing? Probably just avoiding school work; there aren't enough things in my life right now to distract me from my work.

There is one thing I can say for sure though; my life is on the web, and there isn't much hope of that changing anytime soon. A very large part of my major is learning how to write for the web, and I don't even have a blog, or at least I didn't. In this spirit, I think it's time I caved to the machine, practiced my writing, and sought to improve my collaborative web-presence.

So welcome to the blog, a collection of everything - appropriately named I think, because there are no rules in this blog - I'll link this to my Google account, which is linked to my life, and I'll certainly try to incorporate facebook in it all. Why would you want to read my blog? I honestly don't know - but if you decide you want to, I'd like to hear about it.

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