Monday, March 22, 2010

Life Well Lived, my Spring Break

It's a cold and rainy day at the Philadelphia International airport in Pennsylvania today - but this cannot detract from the joy and excitement of my travels this past week. I could have never imagined the incredible things I experienced, and it is hard to fathom that I may ever have a more eventful and blessed spring-break or vacation.

From beginning to end I have been continually surprised by the blessings the Lord showered upon me. And as I sit in the airport terminal, waiting yet again to get on an oversold flight home, I take great solace and encouragement as I have not missed a single important connection yet while under extraordinary circumstances.

When I set out on this trip, I quickly realized that I had to document the memories and experiences for reflection later. But I soon realized in similar fashion that there just weren't enough words to effectively communicate my experiences. I'm still trying to write it all down; but I'm not sure if my original plan to Blog my adventures is realistic - at all.

There are plenty of stories to tell, and it's hard to weed out the 'best ones' but I really want to share some of what happened with my friends over the internet - first things first, I have to actually write it down.

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