Sunday, March 7, 2010

Winthrop Burned

Winthrop was on fire today, well not the entire campus - just one building, er, roof. The recently constructed Owens Hall (2001) a $6.5 Million building had a fire breakout in the attic area severely damaging the roof and, according to Dr. DiGiorgio, the floors below. The actual damage from the fire may have been minimal, however the water damage from containing it could be much more extensive.

It's too bad one of the new(er) buildings had to take the hit, we couldn't get a break by jump starting the renovation projects on something like Thurmond or even Tillman. Hopefully our insurance will take care of everything financially - I don't feel like waiting another three-years for the student center to finish.

In other non life-threatening news, there was also a sidewalk chalking competition for student groups and clubs on campus today, although it didn't get as much attention. Check out the pictures of all the above events on my facebook.

For anyone who may not be on Facebook (T.J!) here is a public link to the album Because I love you.